Friday, April 18, 2014

Exotic Sunset at Mount of Ratu Boko

Exotic Sunset at Mount of Ratu Boko
Boko SITE is no stranger to the world of tourism . The enchanting beauty of the hills was very charming at dusk when the weather is sunny . Panoramic sunset is the main attraction Taman Wisata Candi ( TWC ) administered the State-Owned Enterprises .

" Sunset become a mainstay for travelers visiting any domestic or foreign . Come before 17:00 if you want to enjoy the beauty of the sunset on the hill , Ratu Boko , " said Didik Tri Ardianto , Boko TWC Operational Staff , met Okezone , recently .
( Read: egg food untuk pleci )

The number of tourists visiting the region at least when compared with Prambanan and Borobudur . Its location is only approximately 3 kilometers to the south of Prambanan, Sleman , DI Yogyakarta.

" We may be only half of Prambanan temple . If there ( Prambanan - red) reach 10 thousand visitors a month , maybe we are just 5 thousand , but we have increased from time to time , " he said .

Every Sunday afternoon performances of art music tradition played Gejug Dimples locals . This art originated from the lives of rural peasants were celebrating harvest .

" Art is no music , song , and dance , " said the father of two boys.

Used musical instruments made ​​of wood to hit dimples . While the mortar itself in the form of a large timber ship-shaped ground when there used to be a rice paddy .

" If the first is to use a mortar for pounding rice , there is now a rice mill . ADD rice to the mill , ready made out of rice , much faster , " he said , explaining .

Dimples Gejug performances aimed at increasing tourist attraction . Besides preserving the cultural arts as a medium that is very closely related to daily life in the village . In addition to the mortar , there is a communication tool that is closely related to society , the gong . In addition to communication media , gong able to be used as a tool for art .

Visitors do not need merogok pocket inside to enjoy sightseeing at Ratu Boko . Simply Rp25 thousand for domestic tourists and foreign tourists to Rp90 thousand .


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