Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Asked Liberation Funds Hostage in Philippines , JK and Secret Answer Do not Know

Vice President Jusuf Kalla 2004-2009 period he did not know the source of funds to free an Indonesian citizen who was held hostage in the Philippine island of Mindanao , a few years ago . Kalla explained , it is the responsibility of the liberation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Foreign Ministry ) .

It was announced by Kalla while testifying in the trial of cases of alleged corruption organization of 12 international meetings and hearings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2004-2005 by the former Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat at the Corruption Court , Jakarta , Wednesday ( 06/04/2014 ) .( Read: cara pengecoran aluminium )

" What's out there ever Informal Foreign Ministry issued for freeing hostages in Mindanao ? " asked Chief Justice Nani Indrawati .

" I know that there are funds to pay a fee for the exemption . Sources I do not know , but from the government please , to save the citizens , " said Kalla .

However, the judge fixed Nani drilled Kalla whether the source of the funds taken from one of them tired for the money at the time Foreign Minister , Hassan Wirajuda . Hassan called never gets tired of the money of Rp 440 million related to the organization of the conference .

" As vice president I do not know . Saving the citizen 's life . Worn once for the sake of the human spirit , " said Kalla .

However , when the prosecutor asked the Commission , Kalla explained that the actual source of the funds are a state secret .

" As far as you , the cost of which the hostage release ? Does the budget ? " asked prosecutor Kadek Wiradana .(Read: lampu emergency surya )

" All that is so , sorry , secret . , But the Secretary of State in charge . Certainly there is a green light from the government to spend money for rescue please . Policy for emergency , rescue people, " said Kalla .

Kalla said the hostage release was not done through formal channels . According to Kalla , all countries do the same thing for the sake of saving human life in an emergency .


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